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Our Services

A unique, process driven approach to delivering outstanding results for our partners.

Establishing and Developing a Brand

We develop your brand with brand-specific formulas, design and production in accordance with the regulation of private label cosmetics production.

Expanding the Brand Sales Network

We allow you to grow your existing brand with the right digital marketing investments and the right sales networks.

Private Label Production

With 15 years of cosmetics experience, is a company that grows the sales network of brands with the right marketing strategies in different categories of the beauty industry and makes private label production.

Why should we choose Private Label?

As Alen Beauty, we provide private label and customized product services with decades of experience in the industry. With Private Label production, we develop your brand with affordable costs and high production capabilities suitable for your brand's budget and needs.

We make product formulation by qualified cosmetic chemists with our ethical values and low risk. Along with these, we provide business training to support your success after producing your brand. We are growing your brand with the right digital marketing investment, the right social media management, the influencer and affiliate marketing, the growth of brand awareness with collaborations and the creation of the right sales network.

Benefits of Private Label Production
  • Affordable costs.
  • High production capabilities to suit your brand's budget and needs.
  • Private label and customized product services.
  • Decades of experience in the industry.
  • Product formulation by a qualifies cosmetic chemists.
  • Business education to support your success.
  • Low risk.
  • Ethical values.
Steps of Private Label Production


Project Meeting


Project Preparations


R&D Production






Production and Packaging


Marketing Investment


Influencer & Affiliate Marketing


Brand Distribution Expansion